
At this point, it is worth taking a moment or two to think about what lies ahead, before we move on. In Part 2 we’ll start to deconstruct questions, looking at how they work and the influence they have on teaching and learning in the classroom. In Parts 3-5, we’ll examine a range of techniques you can use to change the structure of your questions, so as to make them more effective. We’ll explore the idea of making knowledge provisional, the use of structuring tools and the relationship between open and closed questions. Parts 6-8 see us investigating further techniques you can use to develop and enhance the answers students give. This includes taking on roles, bouncing questions around and strategies for eliciting responses. Finally, in Part 9, we’ll think about how we can help our students to ask good questions.

The program is particularly suited to school leaders, heads of department and teachers.

  • The course is for 60 hours
  • It can be finished within 2 to 4 weeks
  • Anytime, anywhere learning!
  • Move at your own speed
  • You may need to implement the task more than once to master it
  • Go back and review material at any time

Finish the Course Completion Assessment at the end of the course.

  1. Learning Outcome 1: Explore the central role questioning plays in interactions between the teacher and their students.
  2. Learning Outcome 2: Apply a number of different questioning techniques to develop the quality of classroom interaction and dialogue, between students as well as between the teacher and their students.
  3. Learning Outcome 3: Examine different ways questioning can be used to elicit information from learners and how this connects to both assessment for learning and differentiation.
  • You can always ask expert from QHC to support you by filling the space provided under each Part, and they will reply to your enquiry.
  • School Project Only:
    • There will be a consultant to support you in implementation inside your school
    • You can ask for face to face support from our expert consultants
  • Notification will be sent to you for any updates, changes, or related events.
  • We can guarantee you will take your knowledge, understanding, or/and skills to a whole new level
  • Lots of learning opportunities if you are willing to put in the time.