Active Learning Programme

I have been involved in Education for over twenty years and have extensive knowledge of school leadership having worked in challenging schools, as a teacher, trainer and senior leader. More recently, I have had an impact on school improvement within Local Authorities on both primary and secondary based strategies, and have supported head teachers locally, and internationally through coaching, school improvement projects and inspection programmes.
As a lead inspector and experienced reviewer of primary, secondary, and Special schools, I have prepared and guided schools to secure the best outcomes for children and young people. I provide training on conferences as well as to whole school, departmental or other specific audiences.
I use a variety of strategies to ensure that the teams and individuals I work with feel supported and are able to formulate what they need to do to improve or sustain improvement. These strategies include:
- Building quick and positive rapport
- Empathising and Coaching
- Role modelling positive, productive behaviours
My style of working with individuals I lead is underpinned by clarity and sensitivity.
As a result, of supporting the senior leaders through training and coaching, teaching and learning has improved in schools I have worked with. Teachers are more confident in understanding what ‘good learning’ is, and leaders are more able to detect areas, which need support and how to lead on the teaching and learning agenda.
I am creative and committed to learning. I am familiar with setting up new processes, and systems to secure good teaching and learning. Most importantly I am a confident communicator with parents and the community in order to secure the best outcomes for children and young people.
Senior leaders and classroom teachers
The purpose of this workshop session is to be able to engage learners in the learning process specifically, trainers and learners get more one-on-one interaction – learners receive frequent and immediate feedback from instructors during active learning activates. Learners learn through collaboration and interaction with other learners, engaging more deeply with course content and building invaluable social skills. Training is more inclusive – learners with different learning styles get a personalized experience.
- Clarity about the style of learning that will include, team work, individual reflection and interactive tasks;
- Raised awareness of key points of learning and impact;
- Clarity of the stages of effective learning skills;
- Learning about a range of Active learning strategies and thinking about how to apply them in class;
- Internalisation of Active learning strategies;
- How to engage students and keep them engaged;
How to plan lessons taking into account strategies covered in the training.
9 – 11 am
- Objectives and Introductions to the day
- Piaget’s Stages of cognitive Development
- Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
11:45 – 01:15 pm
- Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience
- Blooms Taxonomy
- Active Learning Strategies
02:45 – 04:15 pm
- Consolidation of Active Learning Strategies
- Example lesson planning with strategies learnt
How to gain the Active Learning Quality Mark