Leading School Improvement

Mr. Callow is experienced in leading improvement, monitoring and evaluation services across a variety of settings, including schools, colleges, training providers, and early years’ providers. As School Improvement Leader for Oxford shire County Council, Peter worked with all school phases across the county. Evaluations by the LA showed a high degree of satisfaction from schools and rating of ‘outstanding’ for effectiveness. He was responsible for coordinating all the National Strategy initiatives as well as the work of School Improvement Partners. Through reviews and targeted interventions, he significantly improved the outcomes for students in a number of schools.
Senior leaders and classroom teachers
Sustainable school improvement is only achieved by: –
- Ensuring the student is at the heart of all that the school does;
Everyone in the school community understanding where the school is going, why they are going there and how they can contribute.
To provide leaders with an opportunity to further develop their knowledge and understanding of: –
- Leading high-quality learning;
Building capacity for school improvement through highly effective leadership and management.
- How do we continuously bring about improvement in outcomes for all students?
- How do we provide a learning environment in which all our students can flourish?
What can we do tomorrow that will make our school a better one than it is today?