Growth mindsets

Let’s pause for a moment, before we go any further, and take a look at the different sections of the course that are still to come. First up, in Part 2, we look at the role of language. Getting the language right is a crucial first step to embedding growth mindsets in your classroom and supporting all learners to change how they think about learning. In Part 3 we look at the differences between process and performance, linking this to how students think about their own efforts. In Part 4, our attention turns to some of the things we can do to change how students perceive mistakes and failure. Then, in Part 5, we look at practical ways you can target student effort, helping learners to be more successful in the process. After that, in Part 6, we examine why a challenge culture is essential to the development of growth mindsets and what you can do to foster one. Then, in Part 7, we’ll look at how you can use feedback as a tool for developing growth mindsets in all learners. In Part 8, we’ll examine what role growth mindset case studies can play in your teaching. And finally, in Part 9, we’ll turn our attention to reconsidering awards, and what this might mean for your learners.

The program is particularly suited to school leaders, heads of department and teachers.

  • –           The course is for 60 hours

    –           It can be finished within 2 to 4 weeks

    –           Anytime, anywhere learning!

    –           Move at your own speed

    –           You may need to implement the task more than once to master it

    –           Go back and review material at any time

    –           Finish the Course Completion Assessment at the end of the course.
  1. Learning Outcome 1: Develop an understanding of the difference between growth and fixed mindsets and how this links to learners’ thinking and behaviour in the classroom.
  2. Learning Outcome 2: Explore different strategies and techniques teachers can use to promote a flexible, resilient, growth mindset approach to learning for all students.
  3. Learning Outcome 3: Examine how to change student perceptions so they see mistakes, failure and trial and error as important parts of the learning process.
  • You can always ask expert from QHC to support you by filling the space provided under each Part, and they will reply your to enquiry.
  • School Project Only:
    • There will be a consultant to support you in implementation inside your school
    • You can ask for face to face support from our expert consultants
  • Notification will be sent to you for any updates, changes, or related events.
  • We can guarantee you will take your knowledge, understanding, or/and skills to a whole new level
  • Lots of learning opportunities if you are willing to put in the time.