Classroom management

Having reached the end of the first part of the course, let us stop, for a moment, so we can look ahead to what awaits us. In Parts 2 and 3 we’ll investigate the basis for effective classroom management: norms, values and the use of rules. After this, in Parts 4 and 5, we’ll look at the importance of clarity and consistency when communicating with learners, particularly around rules, and how important it is to effectively define and police boundaries in your classroom. In Parts 6 and 7 we’ll explore the role of sanctions in developing and sustaining good behaviour then, in Parts 8 and 9, we’ll examine the other side of the coin – the use of praise in supporting and maintaining good behaviour.

The program is particularly suited to school leaders, heads of department and teachers.

  • The course is for 60 hours
  • It can be finished within 2 to 4 weeks
  • Anytime, anywhere learning!
  • Move at your own speed
  • You may need to implement the task more than once to master it
  • Go back and review material at any time

Finish the Course Completion Assessment at the end of the course.

  1. Learning Outcome 1: Explore the key drivers of classroom behaviour and the importance of building and maintaining positive teacher-student relationships.
  2. Learning Outcome 2: Examine the role of rules, praise and sanctions as a combined approach to fostering and sustaining positive behaviour for learning.
  3. Learning Outcome 3: Understand how student mindsets can influence behaviour in the classroom and how teachers can foster positive attitudes to learning.
  • You can always ask expert from QHC to support you by filling the space provided under each Part, and they will reply to your enquiry.
  • School Project Only:
    • There will be a consultant to support you in implementation inside your school
    • You can ask for face to face support from our expert consultants
  • Notification will be sent to you for any updates, changes, or related events.
  • We can guarantee you will take your knowledge, understanding, or/and skills to a whole new level
  • Lots of learning opportunities if you are willing to put in the time.